french children's books

We Secured Our First International Buyer!



Our founder, Jennifer Vassel, took 4 years of French in high school (don’t ask her how much of it she has retained, LOL).

2018: We launched the French version of “I Am Unique!”

2020: We secured our first international client, who ordered the books in bulk. Last week, we shipped this box all the way to France!


We’re so grateful for the opportunity to share this message of self-love in another language. We’re working on translating the book to Spanish as well, so make sure you’re on our mailing list to stay in the know!

We haven’t been on a plane since February, so we’re definitely itching to travel and catch up to some of Erin’s destinations.

What are some places you’d like to visit once we’re out of this pandemic? Let us know in the comments!